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F. (2004, 2006 herziene editie). Communicatie
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en lichamelijke aandoeningen. In:
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(Eds), Gezondheidspsychologue bij
patiënten. Assen: Van Gorcum.
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F.W., Zwets, A.J. & Kanters,
T. (2017). Beyond aggression
replacement training:
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Dutch (sexually) violent
psychiatric patients. In: The
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F.W., Gijs, L.A.C.J., Palmer, E.J.
(2019). Assessment and
Obligatory Treatment of Violent
and Sexually Violent Offenders.
Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
Journal articles
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indelingssysteem voor
gedragstherapeutische literatuur
(A retrieval system for behavior
therapy publications). Gedragstherapeutisch
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behavior therapy). Gedragstherapie,
16, 1, 3-21.
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Klarenbeek, Mirjam (1984) Het
werkterrein van de
gedragstherapeut in Nederland
(Behavior therapy in the
Netherlands). Gedragstherapie,
1984, 17, 1, 57-68.
- Kraaimaat, F. (1994). De verdere
ontwikkeling van kortdurende
psychotherapie (Development of
short-term psychotherapy). De
Psycholoog, 29, 132-135.
- Hornsveld, R.H.J., Dam-Baggen
C.M.J. van, Lammers, S.M.M.,
Nijman, H.L.I. & Kraaimaat,
F.W. (2004). Forensisch
psychiatrische patiënten met
persoonlijkheidskenmerken en
gedrag. Tijdschrift voor
Psychiatrie, 46, 133-142.
- Landbergen, K., Verhaak, C.,
Kraaimaat, F. Hoogerbrugge, N.
(2005). Genetic uptake in
BRCA-mutation families is related
to emotional and behavioural
communication characteristics of
index patients. Familial
Cancer, 4, 115-119.
- Timmermans, L.M., Maazen van
der, R.W.M., Verhaak, C.M.,
Rosmalen van, M.W., Daal van
W.A.J., Kraaimaat, F.W (2005).
Patient participation in
discussing palliative
radiotherapy. Patient
Education and Counseling, 57, 53-61.
- Timmermans L.M., Maazen van der
R.W.M., Leer J.W.H., Kraaimaat
F.W. (2006) Palliative or curative
treatment intent affects
communication in radiation therapy
consultations. Psycho-oncology,
15, 713-725.
- Hornsveld, R.H.J., Hollin,
C.R., Nijman, H.L.I. &
Kraaimaat, F.W. (2007). Violent
forensic psychiatric patients:
Individual differences and
consequences for treatment. International
of Forensic Mental Health, 6, 1,
- Hornsveld, R.H.J., Nijman, H.L.I.,
Hollin, C.R. & Kraaimaat, F.W.
(2007). An adapted version of the
Rosenzweig Picture-Frustration Study
(PFS-AV) for the measurement of
hostility in violent psychiatric
patients. (2007). Criminal
Behaviour and Mental Health,
17, 45-56.
- Hornsveld, R.H.J., Nijman, H.L.I.,
Hollin, C.R. & Kraaimaat, F.W.
(2007). Development of the
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psychiatric in-patients with an
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30, 6, 480-491. [article
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Maazen, R.W.M. van der, Leer,
J.W.H. & Kraaimaat, F.W.
(2007). Monitoring and blunting in
palliative and curative
radiotherapy consultations. Psycho-oncology,
16, 12, 1111-1120.[article
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H.L.I., Hollin, C.R.,&
Kraaimaat, F.W. (2008). Aggression
control therapy for violent
forensic psychiatric patients:
Method and clinical practice. International
Journal of Offender Therapy and
Comparative Criminology,
52, 2, 222-233
- Hornsveld, R.H.J., Nijman,
H.L.I. & Kraaimaat, F.W.
(2008). Aggression Control Therapy
for violent forensic psychiatric
patients: First results. Psychology,
Crime and Law, 14, 1, 1-18
- Hornsveld, R.H.J., Cuperus, H.,
Vries, E.T. de & Kraaimaat,
F.W. (2008). An evaluation of
behavioral and personality
differences between native and
non-native male adolescents in the
Netherlands ordered into treatment
in a forensic psychiatric
outpatient clinic, and their
non-violent peers. Criminal
Behavior and Mental Health, 18,
- Hornsveld, R.H.J., Bulten, E.B.,
Vries, E.T. de & Kraaimaat, F.W.
(2008). Violent forensic psychiatric
inpatients and violent detainees in
the Netherlands. The
Journal of Forensic Psychiatry
& Psychology, 19,
- Hornsveld, R.H.J., Bezuijen, S.,
Leenaars, P.E.M. & Kraaimaat,
F.W. (2008). Domestically and
generally violent forensic
psychiatric outpatients: Personality
traits and behavior. Journal of
Interpersonal Violence, 23,
- Hornsveld, R.H.J., Muris, P.,
Kraaimaat, F.W. & Meesters, C.
(2009). Psychometric properties of
the aggression questionnaire in
Dutch violent forensic psychiatric
patients and secondary vocational
students. Assessment, 16,
181-192. [article
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F.W. (2011). Een groepsbehandeling
voor gewelddadige adolescenten op
een forensisch psychiatrische
polikliniek: eerste resultaten. Tijdschrift
voor Psychiatrie, 53, 333-342.
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Kraaimaat, F.W. (2011). The Novaco
Anger Scale-Provaocation Inventory
(1994) version in Dutch forensic
psychiatric patients. Psychological
Assessment, 23, 937-944.
- Hornsveld, R.H.J. & Kraaimaat,
F.W. (2011). Alexithymia in Dutch
violent forensic psychiatric
outpatients. Psychology, Crime
& Law, DOI:
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& Zwets, A.J. (2012). The
adapted version of the sociomoral
reflection measure (SRM-AV) in Dutch
forensic psychiatric patients. International
Journal of Forensic Mental Health,
11, 218-226. [article
in pdf format]
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Zwets, A.J., Kraaimaat, F.W. &
Veen, W. van. (2014). De structuur
van de Sexual Violence Risk-20
(SVR-20) in seksueel gewelddadige
terbeschikkinggestelden. Gedragstherapie,
47, 1, 59-72.[article
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Kraaimaat, F.W., Kanters, T., Muris,
P. & Marle, H. van (2014). The
psychometric properties of the Anger
Bodily Sensations Questionnaire
(ABSQ). The Journal of Forensic
Psychiatry & Psychology,
25, 4, 432-450.[article
in pdf format]
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Kraaimaat, F.W., Zwets, A.J. &
Kanters, T. (2014). The Attitudes
toward Women Inventory (AWI) in
Dutch violent psychiatric in
patients. Journal of Forensic
Psychology Practice, 14, 5,
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Boumeester, S., Polak, M.A. &
Zwets, A.J. (2014). Behavior on the
ward of personality disordered
inpatients and chronically psychotic
inpatients during a three year stay
in a Dutcb forensic psychiatric
hospital. The Journal of Forensic
Psychiatry and Psychology, 25,
6, 684-704.[article
in pdf format]
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F.W., Muris, P., Zwets, A.J. &
Kanters, T. (2015). Aggression
Replacement Training for violent
young men in a forensic psychiatric
outpatient clinic. Journal of
Interpersonal Violence, 31,
18, 3174-3191. [article
in pdf format]
- Hornsveld, R.H.J., Kanters, T.,
Gijs, L., Kraaimaat, F.W., Wal, L.
van der & Marle, H.J.C. van
(2015). Waaraan moet een
programma voor seksueel gewelddadige
terbeschikkinggestelden voldoen? Tijdschrift
voor Seksuologie, 39, 3,
89-95. [article
in pdf format
- Hornsveld, R.H.J., Zwets, A.J.,
Leenaars, E.E.M., Kraaimaat, F.W.,
Bout, R., Lagro-Janssen, T.L.M.
& Kanters, T. Violent female
offenders compared with violent male
offenders on psychological
determinants of aggressive behavior.
Journal of Offender Therapy and
Comparative Criminology, 1-18,
DOI: 10.1177/0306624X16648109
- Hornsveld, R., Kanters, T., Gijs,
L., Kraaimaat, F., Van der Wal, L.
& Van Marle, H. (2016).
Ontwikkeling van een
groespprogramma voor seksueel
Gedragstherapie, 49, 4, 418-446. [article
in pdf format]
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Muris, P., Nijman, H., Zwets, A.,
Roza, S. & Van Marle, H. (2017).
Het gebruik van
zelfrapportagelijsten in de
forensische psychiatrie.
Gedragstherapie, 50, 4, 277-291.