Inventarisatielijst Omgaan
met Anderen / ISS:
Inventory of Interpersonal
The Inventory of Interpersonal
Situations (ISS; in Dutch IOA) is
based on an interactive concept of
social anxiety. It takes about 20
minutes to complete.
The ISS consists of 35
interpersonal situations, which
are responses in social situations
rated with 5-point Likert scales.
Subjects first indicate how much
‘anxiety/discomfort’ they would
experience (social anxiety) in
these situations and then how
‘frequent’ they would perform the
behaviour described (social
skills). The Discomfort and
Frequency scale consist of the
same 35 items and the following 5
subscales: giving criticism (items
2, 8, 10, 21, 25, 31 and 33),
expressing opinions (items 14, 16,
20, 30, 32 and 34), giving
compliments (items 9, 17, 23 and
24), initiating contacts (items 1,
12, 13, 15 and 29), positive
self-evaluation (items 4, 26, 27
and 28).
The reliability and validity of
the ISS were investigated in
several adult psychiatric and
non-psychiatric samples. The
scales and subscales for
Discomfort and Frequency showed
stability over time and high
internal consistency. The
conceptual structure was shown to
be rather invariant across
socially anxious and non socially
anxious groups. In addition, the
study on the item and factorial
invariance of the ISS revealed
stable rank ordering as well as
clustering of social responses on
Discomfort and Frequency. The ISS
scales were able to discriminate
between socially anxious/social
phobic and non socially anxious
samples, and showed significant
relationships with independent
measures of social anxiety. The
ISS scales demonstrated high
predictive validity for overt
behaviour in social situations.
For the use of the ISS in clinical
practice the individual’s score
could be compared with those of
reference groups, as there are
socially anxious psychiatric
patients, forensic psychiatric
patients, heterogeneous
psychiatric patients, and normal
persons. Several cross-cultural
studies with the ISS/IOA were
undertaken to assess the
equivalence of the inventory in
American, Turkish and Indonesian
populations (see also Kraaimaat et
a., 2002; Van Dam-Baggen et al.,
2003; Kraaimaat et al., 2012). The
Dutch IOA manual and the IOA
inventory are available at Pearson
Publishers (
research purposes versions of the
ISS are available in Bahasa
Indonesia [Survai Hubungan Antar
Pribadi/AHAP, article
in .pdf format], English
[Inventory of Interpersonal
Situations/ISS; article
in .pdf format], German
[Fragebogen Umgang mit Anderen/
FUA, article
in .pdf format], French
[Inventarisation du Contract
Social/ICS, article
in .pdf format], Spanish
[Cuestionario de Situaciones
Interpersonales/CSI, article
in .pdf format], Turkish
[Turkish version [article
in .pdf format]and Italian
[Questionario sui Rapporti
Interpersonali/QRI, article
in .pdf format].
Van Dam-Baggen, Rien &
Kraaimaat, Floor (1986). De
betrouwbaarheid en validiteit van
de Inventarisatielijst Omgaan met
Anderen (The reliability and
validity of a self-report
inventory for social anxiety). Gedragstherapie,
19, 229-248.
Van Dam-Baggen, R. &
Kraaimaat, F.W. (1987). Handleiding
Omgaan met Anderen. (Manual
of the Inventory of Interpersonal
Situations). Amsterdam/Lisse:
Swets en Zeitlinger.
Van Dam-Baggen, C.M.J. &
Kraaimaat, F.W. (1990).
Zelfbeoordeling van sociale angst
als predictor van observeerbaar
gedrag. (1990). Nederlands
Tijdschrift voor de Psychologie,
45, 180-183.[article
in pdf format]
Kraaimaat, F.W., Janssen, P.
& Dam-Baggen, R. (1991).
Social anxiety and stuttering. Perceptual
and Motor Skills, 72,766.
Dam-Baggen, R., Heck, G. van &
Kraaimaat, F. (1992). Consistency
of social anxiety in psychiatric
patients: properties of persons,
situations, response classes and
types of data. Anxiety, Stress
and Coping, 5, 285-300.
Van Dam-Baggen, Kraaimaat, F.W.
& Kiers, H.A.L. (1992). Een
exploratief onderzoek naar de
structuur van sociale angst bij
sociaal angstige psychiatrische
patiënten en niet-sociaal angstige
normale personen (The structure of
social anxiety in socially anxious
psychiatric patients and normal
subjects). Nederlands
tijdschrift voor de psychologie,
47, 41-45. [article
in pdf format]
Van Dam-Baggen, C.M.J. &
Kraaimaat, F.W. (1999). Assessing
social anxiety: the inventory of
interpersonal situations (IIS). European
of Psychological Assessment,
15 (1), 25-38.[article
in .pdf format]
Kraaimaat, F., Janssen, P. &
Van Dam-Baggen, R. (1999).
Stotteren en Sociale Angst
(Stuttering and social anxiety).
Stem-, Taal- en
Spraakpathologie, 8,
in pdf format]
Van Dam-Baggen, R. &
Kraaimaat, F.W. (2000).
Handleiding Inventarisatielijst
Omgaan met Anderen: geheel
gereviseerde editie (Revised
Manual of the Inventory of
Social Situations).
Amsterdam/Lisse: Swets en
Kraaimaat, F.W., Vanryckeghem M.
& Dam-Baggen, R. van (2002).
Stuttering and social anxiety. Journal
of Fluency Disorders 27,
Dam-Baggen, R., Kraaimaat, F.
& Elal, G. (2003). Social
anxiety in three Western
societies. Journal of
Clinical Psychology, 59, 6,
in .pdf format]
Dam-Baggen, R. & Kraaimaat,
F.W. (2003). Inventory of
Interpersonal Situations (ISS)/
Fragebogen Umgang mit Anderen
(FUA). In: Angstdiagnostik
(Eds. J. Hoyer & J Margraf)
Berlin: Springer Verlag, pp
267-271. [article
in pdf format]
COTAN (2004). Inventarisatielijst
Omgaan met Anderen. Documentatie
Tests en Testresearch in
Nederland, aanvulling 17.8.
Amsterdam: NIP.[article
in .pdf format]
Kraaimaat, F., Dam-Baggen, R.
van, Veeninga, A. & Supardi
Sadarjoen, S. (2012). Social
anxiety in the Netherlands, the
United States of America and
Indonesia. Cross-cultural
studies with the Inventory of
Interpersonal Situations (ISS),
Report 2, Nijmegen, The
Netherlands. [article
in . pdf format]
Publications with the ISS/IOA as
a measurement of social anxiety
Van Dam-Baggen, Rien &
Kraaimaat, Floor (1986). Sociale
angst bij hoog en laag sociaal
angstige psychiatrische patiënten
(Social anxiety and social skills
in high and low socially anxious
psychiatric patients). Gedragstherapie,
19, 2,83-95.
De Ruiter, C. & Garssen, B.
(1989). Social anxiety and fear of
bodily sensations in panic
disorder and agoraphobia: a
matched comparison. Journal
of Psychopathology and
Behavioral Assessment, 11,
2, 175-184.
Van Dam-Baggen, R., Kraaimaat,
F.W. & Crouzen, M. (1993). De
effectiviteit van
sociaal-vaardigheidstherapie bij
drie subtypen sociaal angstige
psychiatrische patiënten (Effect
of social skills training in
subtypes of socially anxious
psychiatric patients). Gedragstherapie,
26, 21-32.
Van Dam-Baggen, R., Kraaimaat,
F.W. & Van Emmerik, A. (1997).
Sociaal vaardigheidstherapie en
cognitieve gedragstherapie even
effectief bij sociaal angstige
psychiatrische patiënten?
(Effectiveness of social skills
training and cognitive therapy in
socially anxious psychiatric
patients). Gedragstherapie,
30 (4), 253-266.
Van Dam-Baggen, R. &
Kraaimaat, F.W. (2000). Social
skills training in two subtypes of
psychiatric patients with
generalized social phobia. Scandinavian
Journal of Behaviour Therapy,
29, 1-7.
Van Dam-Baggen, C.M.J. &
Kraaimaat, F.W. (2000). Group
social skill training or cognitive
group therapy as the clinical
treatment of choice for
generalized social phobia? Journal
of Anxiety Disorders, 14,
5, 437-451.
Van Balkom, A.J.L.M., De Beurs,
E., Hovens & J.E.J.M., Van
Vliet, I.M. (2004).
Meetinstrumenten bij
angststoornissen (Instruments
measuring anxiety disorders). Tijdschrift
voor Psychiatrie, 46, 10,
Huinck, W.J., Langevin, M., Kully,
D., Peters, H.F.M. & Hulstijn,
W. (2006). The relationship
between pretreatment clinical
profile and treatment outcome in
an integrated stuttering program.
Journal of Fluency Disorders,
31, 43-63.
Hornsveld, R.H.J., Hollin, C.R.,
Nijman, H.L.I. & Kraaimaat,
F.W. (2007). Violent forensic
psychiatric patients: Individual
differences and consequences for
treatment. International
Journal of Forensic Mental
Health, 6, 1, 15-27.
Hornsveld, R.H.J., Nijman, H.L.I.,
Hollin, C.R. & Kraaimaat, F.W.
(2007). An adapted version of the
Rosenzweig Picture-Frustration
Study (PFS-AV) for the measurement
of hostility in violent
psychiatric patients. (2007). Criminal
Behaviour and Mental Health,
17, 45-56.
Hornsveld, R.H.J., Nijman, H.L.I.,
Hollin, C.R. & Kraaimaat, F.W.
(2007). Development of the
Observation Scale for Aggressive
Behavior (OSAB) for Dutch forensic
psychiatric in-patients with an
antisocial personality disorder. International
Journal of Law and Psychiatry,
30, 6, 480-491
Hornsveld, R.H.J., Nijman,
H.L.I., Hollin, C.R.,&
Kraaimaat, F.W. (2008). Aggression
control therapy for violent
forensic psychiatric patients:
Method and clinical practice. International
Journal of Offender Therapy and
Comparative Criminology,
52, 2, 222-233
Hornsveld, R.H.J., Nijman, H.L.I.
& Kraaimaat, F.W. (2008).
Aggression Control Therapy for
violent forensic psychiatric
patients: First results. Psychology,
Crime and Law, 14, 1, 1-18
Hornsveld, R.H.J., Cuperus, H.,
Vries, E.T. de & Kraaimaat,
F.W. (2008). An evaluation of
behavioral and personality
differences between native and
non-native male adolescents in the
Netherlands ordered into treatment
in a forensic psychiatric
outpatient clinic, and their
non-violent peers. Criminal
Behavior and Mental Health, 18,
Hornsveld, R.H.J., Bulten, E.B.,
Vries, E.T. de & Kraaimaat, F.W.
(2008). Violent forensic psychiatric
inpatients and violent detainees in
the Netherlands. The
Journal of Forensic Psychiatry
& Psychology, 19,
Hornsveld, R.H.J., Bezuijen, S.,
Leenaars, P.E.M. & Kraaimaat,
F.W. (2008). Domestically and
generally violent forensic
psychiatric outpatients: Personality
traits and behavior. Journal of
Interpersonal Violence, 23,
Hornsveld, R.H.J., Muris, P.,
Kraaimaat, F.W. & Meesters, C.
(2009). Psychometric properties of
the aggression questionnaire in
Dutch violent forensic psychiatric
patients and secondary vocational
students. Assessment, 16,
Hornsveld, R.H.J. & Kraaimaat,
F.W. (2011). Een groepsbehandeling
voor gewelddadige adolescenten op
een forensisch psychiatrische
polikliniek: eerste resultaten. Tijdschrift
voor Psychiatrie, 53, 333-342.
Hornsveld, R.H.J., Muris, P. &
Kraaimaat, F.W. (2011). The Novaco
Anger Scale-Provaocation Inventory
(1994) version in Dutch forensic
psychiatric patients. Psychological
Assessment, 23, 937-944.
Hornsveld, R.H.J. & Kraaimaat,
F.W. (2011). Alexthymia in Dutch
violent forensic psychiatric
outpatients. Psychiatry, Crime
and Law. Doi
Hornsveld, R.H.J., Kraaimaat, F.W.
& Zwets, A.J. (2012). The
adapted version of the sociomoral
reflection measure (SRM-AV) in Dutch
forensic psychiatric patients. International
Journal of Forensic Mental Health,
11, 218-226.
Zwets, A.J., Hornsveld, R.,
Kraaimaat, F.W., Kanters, T., Muris,
P. & Marle, H. van. (2014). The
psychometric properties of the Anger
Bodily Sensations Questionnaire
(ABSQ). The Journal of Forensic
Psychiatry & Psychology,
25, 4, 432-450.
Beurs, E. de, Tielen, D. &
Wollmann, L. (2014). The Dutch
Social Interaction Scale and the
Social Phobia Scale: reliability,
validity and clinical utility.
Psychiatric Journal,
Read, D.L., Clark, G., Rock, A.J.
& Coventry, W.L. (2018). Adult
attachment and social anxiety: The
mediating role of emotion regulation
strategies. Plos One: