IRGL: Impact of
Rheumatic diseases on
General Health and
Lifestyle/ Invloed van
Reuma op Gezondheid en
The IRGL is a Dutch
multidimensional instrument for
measuring the health status of
patients with rheumatic diseases.
The IRGL consists of 68 single
items and can be completed without
professional assistance. It takes
about 15 minutes to complete.
Items of the IRGL are scored on a
4-point or 5-point Likert scale.
The physical dimension of
the IRGL is partly derived from
the Arthritis Impact Measurement
Scales 1 (AIMS-1), which at that
time had a number of psychometric
problems (see Evers et al., 1998).
Physical functioning is measured
through the mobility (7 items),
self care (8 items) and pain ( 6
items) scales.
The IRGL assesses the psychological
dimension as positive and
negative affect through three
already existing scales, namely
anxiety (10 items) , depressed
mood (6 items) and cheerful mood
(6 items) of which the reliability
and validity have been studied in
the Dutch population (Van der
Ploeg et al., 1980; Zwart et al.
1982). The social dimension of the
IRGL consists of a scale of social
support/reliance (ISB/ISR) and
distinguishes between qualitative
and quantitative aspects of social
functioning in accordance with the
conceptualization of social
support of Chen and Wills (1985).
The quantitative aspect of social
support is measured by the number
of friends and the number of
neighbors with whom one
associates. The qualitative aspect
is measured by the following three
scales of a Dutch validated social
support scale (ISB/ISR: Van Dam
Baggen & Kraaimaat, 1992),
perceived support (5 items),
actual support (3 items) and
mutual visits (2 items). An impact
scale (10 items) is also included
to assess the influence of
rheumatic diseases on various
domains of daily life.
Reliability and validity of the
IRGL scales were shown to be
highly satisfactory and the
physical functioning scales have
been demonstrated to be highly
comparable to the corresponding
scales of the Dutch version of the
AIMS2 (see Evers et al., 1998).
Since the end of 2003 the use of
the IRGL has been free for health
professionals and researchers. The
manual is available in an Dutch
version [article
in .pdf format] and the
questionnaire is available in a
Dutch [article
in .pdf format and
English [article
in .pdf format] version.
Huiskes, C.J.A.E., Kraaimaat,
F.W. & Bijlsma, J.W.J. (1990).
Handleiding bij de
zelfbeoordelingslijst Invloed
van reuma op gezondheid en
leefwijze :de IRGL (Manual of
the self-report questionnaire
Impact of Rheumatic diseases on
General Health and Lifestyle:
the IRGL. Lisse : Swets
& Zeitlinger BV. [article in
.pdf format]
Huiskes, C.J.A.E., Kraaimaat,
F.W. & Bijlsma, J.W.J.(1990).
De ontwikkeling van de IRGL: een
instrument om gezondheid te meten
bij patiënten met reuma (The
development of the IRGL: an
inventory for measuring the health
status of patients with rheumatic
diseases). Gedrag en
gezondheid, 18, 2, 78-89.
Huiskes, C.J.A.E., Kraaimaat, F.W.
& Bijlsma, J.W.J. (1990).
Development of a self-report
questionnaire to assess the impact
of rheumatic diseases on health
and lifestyle. Journal of
rehabilitation sciences, 3, 3,
65-74. [article
in .pdf format]
Evers, A.W.M., Taal, B.G.,
Kraaimaat, F.W., Jacobs, J.W.J.,
Abel-Nasser, A., Rasker, J.J.,
& Bijlsma, J.W.J. (1998). A
comparison of two recently
developed health status
instruments for patients with
arthritis : DUTCH-AIMS2 and IRGL.
British Journal of
Rheumatology, 37, 157-164.
in .pdf format]
Publications with the IRGL as a
measurement of health status in
patients with rheumatic diseases
Bijlsma, J.W.J., Huiskes, C.J.A.E.,
Kraaimaat, F. & Vanderveen, M.J.
(1991). Relation between patients'
own health assessment and clinical
and laboratory findings in
rheumatoid arthritis. The
Journal of Rheumatology, 18, 5,
Van der Heide, A., Jacobs, J.W.G.,
Van Albeda-Kuijpers, G.A.,
Kraaimaat, F.W., Geenen, R. &
Bijlsma, J.W.G. (1993). Self-report
functional disability scores and the
use of devices: two distinct aspects
of physical function in rheumatoid
arthritis. Annals of the
Rheumatic Disease, 52, 497-502.
Heide, A. van der, Jacobs, J.W.G.,
Albada-Kuipers, G.A. van, Kraaimaat,
F., Geenen, R. & Bijlsma, J.W.J.
(1994). Physical disability and
psychological well being in recent
onset rheumatoid arthritis. The
Journal of Rheumatology, 21,
Kraaimaat, F.W., Brons, M.R.,
Geenen, R. & Bijlsma, J.W.J.
(1995). The effects of cognitive
behaviour therapy in patients with
rheumatoid arthritis. Behaviour
Research and Therapy, 33, 5,
Geenen, R., Jacobs, J.W.J., Godaert,
G., Kraaimaat, F.W., Brons, R.M.,
Van der Heide, A. & Bijlsma,
J.W.J. (1995). Stability of health
status measures in rheumatoid
arthritis. British Journal of
Rheumatology, 34, 1162-1166.
Kraaimaat, F.W., Van Dam-Baggen, C.
& Bijlsma, J.W.J. (1995).
Depression, anxiety and social
support in rheumatoid arthritic
women without and with a spouse. Psychology
and Health, 10, 387-396.
Kraaimaat, F.W., Bakker, A.H.,
Janssen, E. & Bijlsma, J.W.J.
(1996). Intrusiveness of rheumatoid
arthritis on sexuality in male and
female patients living with a
spouse. Arthritis Care and
Research, 9, 120-125.
Lankveld, W. van, Pad Bosch, P. van
‘t, Bakker, J., Terwindt, S.,
Franssen, M. & Riel, P. van
(1996). Sequentional Occupational
Dexterity Assessment (SODA); A new
test to measure hand disability. Journal
Hand Therapy, 9, 27-32.
Hopman-Rock, M., Odding, E., Hofman,
A., Kraaimaat, F.W. & Bijlsma,
J.W. (1997). Differences in health
status of older adults with pain in
the hip or knee only and with
additional mobility restricting
conditions. Journal of
Rheumatology, 24 (12),
Hopman-Rock, M., Kraaimaat, F.W.,
Odding, E., & Bijlsma, J.W.J.
(1998). Coping with Pain in the Hip
or Knee in Relation to Physical
Disability in Community-Living
Elderly People. Arthritis Care
and Research, 11 (4),
Evers, A.W.M., Kraaimaat, F.W.,
Geenen, R. & Bijlsma J.W.J.
(1997). Determinants of
psychological distress and its
course in the first year after
diagnosis in rheumatoid arthritis
patients. Journal of Behavioral
Medicine, 20 (5), 489-504.
Evers, A.W.M., Kraaimaat, F.W.,
Geenen, R., & Bijlsma, J.W.J.
(1998). Psychosocial predictors of
functional change in recently
diagnosed rheumatoid arthritis
patients. Behaviour Research
and Therapy, 36, 179-193.
Jacobs, J.W.G., Geenen, R., Evers,
A.W.M., Jaarsveld, C.H.M.van,
Kraaimaat, F.W. & Bijlsma,
J.W.J. (2001). Short-term effects of
corticosteroid pulse treatment on
disease activity and the wellbeing
of patients with active rheumatoid
arthritis. Annals of the
Rheumatic Disease, 60,
Dekkers, J.C., Geenen, R., Evers,
A.W.M., Kraaimaat, F.W., Bijlsma,
J.W.J. & Godaert, G.L.R. (2001).
Biopsychosocial mediators and
moderators of stress-health
relationships in patients with
recently diagnosed rheumatoid
arthritis. Arthritis Care &
Research, 45, 307-316.
Jacobs, J.W.G., Kraaimaat, F.W.
& Bijlsma, J.W.J. (2001). Why do
patients with rheumatoid arthritis
use alternative treatments. Clinical
20, 192-196.
Evers, A.W.M., Kraaimaat, F.W.,
Riel, P.L.C.M.van & Bijlsma,
J.W.J. (2001). Cognitive,
behavioral and physiological
reactivity to pain as a predictor
of long-term pain in rheumatoid
arthritis patients. Pain, 93,
Evers, A.W.M., Kraaimaat, F.W.,
Riel , P.L.C.M. van & Jong,
A.J.L. de (2002). Tailored
cognitive-behavioral therapy in
early rheumatoid arthritis for
patients at risk: a randomized
controlled trial. Pain, 100,
Evers, A.W.M., Kraaimaat, F.W.,
Geenen, R., Jacobs, J.W.G. &
Bijlsma, J.W.J. (2002). Long-term
Predictors of Anxiety and
Depressed Mood in Early Reumatoid
Arthritis: A 3 and 5 Year
Follow-up. The Journal of
Rheumatology 29, 2327-2336.
Evers, A.W.M., Kraaimaat, F.W.,
Reenen, R., Jacobs, J.W.G.,
Bijlsma, J.W.J. (2003).
Stress-vulnerability factors as
long-term predictors of disease
activity in early rheumatoid
arthritis. Journal of
Psychosomatic Research, 55,
Evers, A.W.M., Kraaimaat, F.W.,
Geenen, R., Jacobs, J.W.G.,
Bijlsma ,J.W.J. (2003). Pain
coping and social support as
predictors of long-term functional
disability and pain in early
rheumatoid arthritis. Behaviour
and Research Therapy, 41,
Koulil, S. van, Lankveld, W. van,
Kraaimaat, F.W., Helmond, T. van,
Vedder, A., Hoorn, H. van,
Donders, R., Jong, A.J.L. de,
Haverman, J.F., Korff, K.J., Riel,
P.L.C.M. van, Dats, H.A. &
Evers, A.W.M. (2010). Tailored
cognitive-behavioral therapy and
exercise training for high-risk
patients with fibromyalgia. Arthritis
Care and Research, 62,
Koulil, S. van, Lankveld, W.,
Kraaimaat, F.W., Riel, P.L.C.M.
van & Evers, A.W.M. (2010).
Risk factors for longer-term
psychological distress in
well-functioning fibromyalgia
patients: A prospective study into
prognostic factors. Patient
Education and Counseling,
80, 126-129.
Koulil, S. van, Kraaimaat, F.W.,
Lankveld, W. van, Helmond, T. van,
Vedder, A. Hoorn, H. van, Donders,
A.R.T., Thieme, K. Cats, H., Riel,
P.C.L. & Evers, A.W.M. (2011).
Cognitive-behavioral mechanisms in
a pain-avoidance and a
pain-persistance treatment for
high-risk fibromyalgia patients.
Arthritis Care and Research,
63, 800-807.
Da Mota, L.M.H., Laurindo,
L.,M.,M., De Carvalho, J.,F. &
Dos Santos Neta, L.,L. (2010).
Instruments to assess the quality
of life and disability levels of
patients with early rheumatoid
arthritis. Current
Rheumatology Reviews, 6,
Koulil, S. van, Lankveld, W.,
Kraaimaat, F.W van, Helmond, T.
van, Vedder, A. Hoorn, H. van,
Donders, A.R.T., Wirken, L., Cats,
H., Riel, P.C.L. & Evers,
A.W.M. (2011). Tailored
cognitive-behavioral therapy and
exercise training improves the
physical fitness of patients with
fibromyalgia. Annals of the
Rheumatic Diseases, 70,
Overman, C.L., Bossema, E.R.,
Middendorp, H. van, Wijngaards-de
Meij, L., Verstappen, S.M.M.,
Bulder, M., Facobs, J.W.G.,
Bijlsma, J.W.J. & Geenen, R.
(2012). The prospective
association between psychological
distress and disease activity in
rheumatoid arthritis: a multilevel
regression analysis. Annals of
the Rheumatic Diseases, 71,
Overman, C.L., Jurgens, M.S.,
Bossema, E.R., Jacobs, J.W.G.,
Bijlsma, J.W.J. & Geenen, R.
(2014). Change of psychological
distress and physical disability
in patients with rheumatoid
arthritis over the last two
decades. Arthritis Care &
Research, 66, 5, 671-678.
Holla, J.F.M>, Van Beers-Tas,
M.H., Van de Stadt, L.A. et al.
(2018). Depressive mood and low
social support are not associated
with arthritis development in
patients with seropositive
arthralgia, although theu
predict increased musculoskeletal
symptoms. Rheumatic &
Musculoskeletal Diseases.