Social Skills Training
(SST) / Sociaal
The present comprehensive group
treatment is an end-product of
clinical research with psychiatric
in- and outpatients that started
in the early 1970s. This
cognitive-behavioral group therapy
for social anxiety and social
incompetence has a social skills
perspective. The treatment model
is based on a 'learning by doing'
paradigm and combines the use of
associative learning principles
with those of social and cognitive
learning. Treatment is composed of
three overlapping phases: Firstly,
training in basic social skills,
such as observing, listening,
giving and receiving feedback and
training in nonverbal components
of social behavior such as
eye-contact and loudness of
speech. Secondly, training in
specific social responses such as
making and refusing requests,
giving and receiving compliments,
receiving refusals, initiating and
continuing a conversation, giving
and receiving criticisms, stating
positive self-assertions, standing
up for one’s rights, inviting,
asking for information, ending
social intercourses and expressing
opinions. Thirdly, training in
self-management skills such as
self-monitoring, setting concrete
and realistic goals, setting
realistic self-standards and
In this phase the participants are
taught to use in their daily life,
the procedures and skills they
have learned in order to maintain
and enlarge them. They therefore
acquire problem-solving strategies
as a means of handling future
The following self-management
procedures are applied: (a)
self-monitoring of performed and
avoided social behavior; (b)
self-application of successive
approximation in social
situations; (c) self-evaluation of
practice behavior by means of
self-determined standards; (d)
self-reinforcement; (e) learning
to employ a problem-solving
strategy by integrating approaches
The training is given by an
experienced behavior therapist in
groups of 5-8 participants. The
training is comprised of 17
sessions of 1 ½ hr once a week,
which are followed by three
sessions once a month. Each
training session starts with a
discussion of the homework
assignments supplemented by
written feedback by the
therapists. After this a great
part of the session is spent on
rehearsing particular skills.
Following this, new homework
assignments are given and the
session is evaluated in terms of
what have you learned.
The effectiveness of the SST was
investigated in several studies in
large groups of socially-anxious
and social phobic psychiatric
inpatients and outpatients and
large effect sizes were
demonstrated. In comparison to no
treatment control groups, the SST
resulted in these patients in a
clinical significant decrease in
social anxiety as well as a
clinical significant increase in
social skills. In addition, the
SST was demonstrated to be more
effective in these patients than
cognitive therapy.
A Dutch manual is published by
Bohn, Stafleu & Van Loghum
(see Van Dam-Baggen &
Kraaimaat, 2000). In addition, a
German manual (Soziales
Kompetenztraining: eine
Gruppenbehandlung sozialer Angst
und sozialer Responsen) [article
in .pdf format] and an
English manual
(Cognitive-behavioral group
therapy for social anxiety and
social incompetence) [article in
.pdf format] are available for
behavior therapists.[article
in pdf format]
Treatment manual
Van Dam-Baggen R. &
Kraaimaat, F. (1979). Assertieve
training (Assertive training).
In: Handboek voor Gedragstherapie
(Eds. J.W.G. Orlemans, W.
Brinkman, W.P. Haayman, & E.J.
Zwaan), B.7 1-76. Deventer: Van
Loghum Slaterus.
Van Dam-Baggen, R. &
Kraaimaat, F.W. (2000).
Sociaal vaardigheidstherapie
(Social skills training).
Houten: Bohn, Stafleu en Van
Van Dam-Baggen, R. &
Kraaimaat, F.W. (2006). Soziales
Gruppenbehandlung sozialer Angst
und sozialer Responsen.
Maarn/Nijmegen, public domain. [article in .pdf format]
Van Dam-Baggen, R. &
Kraaimaat, F.W. (2014).
Cognitive-behavioral group
therapy for social anxiety and
social incompetence: a social
skills perspective.
Maarn/Nijmegen, Open access book.
in pdf format
Publications on the
effectiveness of the SST/SVT
Van Dam-Baggen, R. &
Kraaimaat, F. (1977).
Gestructureerde groepsassertieve
training bij psychiatrische
patiënten. (Assertive training in
groups with psychiatric patients).
Tijdschrift voor
Psychotherapie, 3, 39-45.
Van Dam-Baggen, Rien &
Kraaimaat, Floor (1984). Een op
zelfregulatie gerichte sociaal
vaardigheidstherapie in groepen (A
cognitive-behavioral social skills
training in groups). Gedragstherapie,
17, 281-296.
Van Dam-Baggen, C.M.J. &
Kraaimaat, F.W. (1986). A group
social skills training program
with psychiatric patients:
outcome, dropout rate and
prediction. Behaviour
Research and Therapy, 24,
2, 161-169. [article
in .pdf format]
Van Dam-Baggen, R., Kraaimaat,
F.W. & Crouzen, M. (1993). De
effectiviteit van
sociaalvaardigheidstherapie bij
drie subtypen sociaal angstige
psychiatrische patiënten (Effect
of social skills training in
subtypes of social anxious
psychiatric patients). Gedragstherapie,
26, 21-32.
Dam-Baggen, R. & Kraaimaat, F.
(1994). Sociaal functioneren en
sociaalvaardigheidstherapie bij
psychiatrische patiënten. (Social
functioning and social skills
training in psychiatric patients).
Gedragstherapie, 27,
Van Dam-Baggen, R., Kraaimaat,
F.W. & Van Emmerik, A. (1997).
Sociaal vaardigheidstherapie en
cognitive gedragstherapie even
effectief bij sociaal angstige
psychiatrische patiënten?
(Effectiveness of social skills
training and cognitive therapy in
socially anxious psychiatric
patients). Gedragstherapie,
30 (4), 253-266.
Van Dam-Baggen, R. &
Kraaimaat, F.W. (2000). Social
skills training in two subtypes of
psychiatric patients with
generalized social phobia. Scandinavian
Journal of Behavior Therapy,
29, 1-7.
Van Dam-Baggen, C.M.J. &
Kraaimaat, F.W. (2000). Group
social skill training or cognitive
group therapy as the clinical
treatment of choice for
generalized social phobia? Journal
of Anxiety Disorders, 14,
5, 437-451. [article
.pdf format]