ISB: Inventarisatielijst
Sociale Betrokkenheid/
ISR: Inventory for Social
In concurrence with the theory of
social support of Cohen &
Willis (1995) the ISB/ISR assesses
quantitative and qualitative
aspects of social support. The
inventory can be completed without
professional assistance and takes
about 7 minutes to complete. The
quantitative aspect is measured
through two items, namely the
number of friends and the number
of neighbors one associates with.
The qualitative aspect is measured
through 11 items which are rated
according to a 4-point Likert
scale (almost never, sometimes,
often, almost always) reflecting
three relatively independent
subscales referring to perceived
emotional support (5 items; e.g.
When I am tense or under pressure,
there is someone to help me),
actual emotional support (3 items;
e.g.. I speak confidentially with
others), mutual visiting (2 items;
e.g. friends and relatives visit
me) and a rest item.
It was revealed that this
structure is invariant in three
samples of respectively healthy,
and physically and psychologically
unhealthy persons. Psychometric
analysis revealed the following
characteristics: high internal
consistency in normal subjects,
satisfactory convergent and
divergent validity, and relatively
low correlations with demographic
variables. The ISB/ISR scales were
found to be predictive of the
health status of patients with
chronic physical or psychiatric
diseases and normal subjects in
various longitudinal studies.
Scoring instructions and reference
groups are published in the Dutch
IRGL manual [article
in .pdf format] and
Dam-Baggen & Kraaimaat, 1992
[article]. The use of the ISB/ISR
is free for health professionals
and researchers and the inventory
is available in a Dutch [ISB; article in .pdf format] and an
English [ISR; article
in .pdf format] version.
Huiskes, C.J.A.E., Kraaimaat,
F.W. & Bijlsma, J.W.J. (1990).
Development of a self-report
questionnaire to assess the impact
of rheumatic diseases on health
and lifestyle. Journal of
rehabilitation sciences, 3,
3, 65-74. [article
in .pdf format]
Dam-Baggen, R. & Kraaimaat, F.
(1992). De Inventarisatielijst
Sociale Betrokkenheid (ISB): een
zelfbeoordelingslijst om sociale
steun te meten (Inventory for
social reliance (ISR): a
self-report inventory for the
measurement of social support). Gedragstherapie,
25, 27-46. [article
in .pdf format]
Evers, A.W.M., Taal, B.G.,
Kraaimaat, F.W., Jacobs, J.W.J.,
& Bijlsma, J.W.J. (1998). A
comparison of two recently
developed health status
instruments for patients with
arthritis : Dutch-AIMS2 and IRGL.
British Journal of
Rheumatology, 37, 157-164.
Huiskes, C.J.A.E., Kraaimaat, F.W.
& Bijlsma, J.W.J. (1990). Handleiding
bij de zelfbeoordelingslijst
Invloed van reuma op gezondheid
en leefwijze :de IRGL (Manual of
the self-report questionnaire
Impact of Rheumatic diseases on
General Health and Lifestyle:
the IRGL. Lisse : Swets
& Zeiltlinger BV. [article
in .pdf format]
Publications with the ISR as a
measurement of social support
Dam-Baggen, R. & Kraaimaat,
F. (1994). Sociaal functioneren en
sociaalvaardigheidstherapie bij
psychiatrische patiënten. (Social
functioning and social skills
training in psychi¬atric
patients). Gedragstherapie,
27, 19-32.
Evers, A.W.M., Kraaimaat, F.W.,
Geenen, R. & Bijlsma J.W.J.
(1997). Determinants of
psychological distress and its
course in the first year after
diagnosis in rheumatoid arthritis
patients. Journal of
Behavioral Medicine, 20
(5), 489-504.
Evers, A.W.M., Kraaimaat, F.W.,
Geenen, R., & Bijlsma, J.W.J.
(1998). Psychosocial predictors of
functional change in recently
diagnosed rheumatoid arthritis
patients. Behaviour Research
and Therapy, 36, 179-193.
Evers, A.W.M., Kraaimaat, F.W.,
van Lankveld, W., Jongen, P.H.J. ,
Jacobs, W.W.G. & Bijlsma,
J.W.J. (2001). Beyond unfavorable
thinking: the Illness Cognition
Questionnaire for chronic
diseases. Journal of
Consulting and Clinical
Psychology, 69, 6,
Evers A.W.M., Kraaimaat F.W.,
Geenen, R., Jacobs, J.W.G. &
Bijlsma, J.W.J. (2002). Long-term
Predictors of Anxiety and
Depressed Mood in Early Reumatoid
Arthritis: A 3 and 5 Year
Follow-up. The Journal of
Rheumatology 29, 2327-2336.
Evers, A.W.M., Kraaimaat, F.W.,
Reenen, R., Jacobs, J.W.G. &
Bijlsma, J.W.J. (2003).
Stress-vulnerability factors as
long-term predictors of disease
activity in early rheumatoid
arthritis. Journal of
Psychosomatic Research, 55,
Evers, A.W.M., Kraaimaat, .FW.,
Geenen, R., Jacobs, J.W.G. &
Bijlsma, J.W.J. (2003). Pain
coping and social support as
predictors of long-term functional
disability and pain in early
rheumatoid arthritis. Behaviour
and Research Therapy, 41,
Larsen, J.K., Geenen, R. Van
Ramshorst, B., Brand, N., De Wit,
P., Stroebe, W. & Van Doornen,
L.J.P. (2003). Psychosocial
functioning before and after
Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric
Banding for morbid obesity: a
cross-sectional study. Obesity
Surgery, 13, 629-636.
Wijngaarden, B. van, Schene, A.H.
& Koeter, M.W.J. (2004).
Family caregiving in depression:
Impact on caregivers'daily life,
distress, and help seeking. Journal
of Affective Disorders, 81,
Verhaak, C. M., Smeenk, J.M.J.,
Evers, A.W.M., Minnen van, A.,
Kremer, A.J.M. & Kraaimaat,
F.W. (2005). Predicting emotional
response to unsuccessful fertility
treatment: A prospective study. Journal
of Behavioral Medicine 28,
Verhaak, C. M., Smeenk, J.M.J.,
van Minnen, A., Kremer, A.J.M.
& Kraaimaat, F.W. (2005). A
longitudinal prospective study on
emotional adjustments before,
during and after consecutive
fertility treatment cycles. Human
Reproduction, 20, 8,
Koulil, S. van, Lankveld, W. van,
Kraaimaat, F.W., Riel, P.L.C.M.
van & Evers, A.W.M. (2010).
Risk factors for longer-term
psychological distress in
well-functioning fibromyalgia
patients: A prospective study into
prognostic factors. Patient
Education and Counseling,
80, 126-129.
Theunissen, J.R., Duurkoop, P.,
Kikkert, M., Peen, J. &
Dekker, J. (2013). Na de
extramuralisering. II Een
crossectionele studie naar
psychisch en sociaal functioneren
en kwaliteit van leven van een
steekproef van chronisch
psychiatrische patiënten in de
Amsterdamse ggz. Tijdschrift
voor Psychiatrie, 55,
153-162. [article
in pdf format]
Holla, J.F.M., Beers-Tas, M.H.
van, Stadt, L. A. van de, Landewé,
R., Twisk, J.W.R. & Dekker, J.
(2018). Depressive mood and low
social support are not associated
with arthritis development in
patients with seropositive
arthralgia, although they predict
increased musculoskeletal
symptoms. Rhematic &
Musculoskeletal Diseases.